I recently logged onto this blog and noticed that the last post I wrote on here was over a month ago. Haha, whoops! I knew this blog was going to be unpredictable when it came to how often I posted. So, thanks for sticking with me as my writings are clearly random and definitely scattered. Rather than dedicating this post to a particular topic, I figured it would be smart to just give you guys an update of what has been going on in my life lately, since it has obviously been a while.
The main reason I haven't written anything on this blog recently is simply because I have been tired and unmotivated to do so. The exhaustion and tiredness can be attributed to working. Work has been insane this summer. As most of you know, I have a job at an art gallery/frame shop in downtown Estes. I've been working there two days a week since May. Overall, it has been super fun and I've learned a lot. But add that to the fact that I've been working what seems like non-stop here at the lodge, I have become one worn-out girl. Cleaning, laundry, making s'mores for people, more cleaning, more laundry, over and over, each day has become wearisome. For the past two months or so, we've gotten into the routine of cleaning 5 or more rooms per day. Because of all the cleaning, we aren't even able to attend church in the summer, which I really miss. Every other night we do a campfire and make s'mores for our guests and get to know them. Don't get me wrong, it's fun and meeting so many different people is such a unique blessing, but after so many times, it takes its toll.
You reach a point where regardless of the sleep you get at night, you wake up tired and go to sleep tired every day. I'm sure most all of you who work regularly and have busy schedules understand what I'm talking about. Tiredness is your shadow. Don't get me wrong, it's good to be busy, and I personally enjoy it rather than having nothing to do. But, when you work in the business industry that's fueled by tourists, there's a point that hits you where you just feel mentally, physically, and emotioanlly done and ready for a break. And boy oh boy, my family and I are sure excited for things to start slowing down again. The good news is, in the midst of all this craziness, business has been really good for us this year, which we couldn't be more thankful for. Estes has had another great summer in terms of tourists and overall business numbers.
On top of that, the people we've met/ seen again at the lodge this year have been absolutely incredible. Many new friendships have been made, and old friendships have grown deeper. Hands down, out of the insane life that a lodge creates, the best part about it is meeting all the amazing people that we do. Yes, I've been working a ton this summer, but it also feels like I've spent the summer simply seeing tons and tons of friends just because we've had such great people come and stay with us. If you're reading this and you're one of those people who has stayed at our lodge this summer, thank you. You're the ones who make our job so worthwhile. <3
In the few spare moments I have had this summer, I've been able to do lots of fun things with my friends and my brother. We've gone to the national park several times and taken lots of fun pictures. I've also been able to see a handful of new movies that have recently been in theaters. Speaking of that, the new Aladdin, Spider-Man, Toy Story, and Lion King are all amazing movies that I would highly recommend. Without giving any spoilers, I'll just say, Spider-Man: Far From Home is now one of my top favorite Marvel movies...ever. Toy Story 4 was a really good movie with a great story, plot line, and new characters, it just was not my absolute favorite. (Toy Story 3 will forever by my favorite in the series.)
Still on the topic of movies, after seeing the trailer, I had extremely low exceptions for the new live action re-make of Aladdin. I mean Will Smith as the genie? Really? No one could ever replace Robin Williams. But wowsers, that movie blew my mind and knocked all my expectations off the shelf. The music, the acting, the magic, and the musicality were all fantastic. I had a couple issues with some of the changes they made to the story, but overall, it was one of my favorite movies I've seen in a while. (And yes, Will Smith pulled it off wonderfully;)) Now for the Lion King. First of all, it needs to be understood that this movie was quite possibly my all time favorite animated movie growing up. Most of the plastic animal figurines I played with as a little kid were Lion King characters. Also, I mean, come on, we named our dog after the main character, Simba, and my dad even used some of the scenes from the movie to illustrate certain points in a couple of his Christian counseling sessions. (That's right, the Lion King is packed full of Biblical truths and analogies if you watch closely.) So, needless to say, we're pretty big Lion King fans.
I got the opportunity to see this new live action version with my cousin and my brother just this past week. While I had heard great things about it and the trailer looked really interesting, I still knew it would never live up to the original, especially since they always seem to change or ruin some aspect of an original when they re-make something. Well anyway, after seeing it... how can I put this... I don't usually cry in movies; I've only cried hard in one movie prior to this one. But when I saw the Lion King I cried...hard...not just once but three times throughout the whole movie. Again, I'm not going to ruin anything if you haven't seen it yet, so I'll just say, I was overly impressed with the story, the CGI and special effects, the music, everything! (I even counted more Biblical analogies in this one than the first one!!) It was the best movie I've seen so far this year. I know it probably sounds like I'm hyping it up more than it deserves. but since the story was such a significant part of my childhood, the fact that they did such a good job remaking it meant a lot to me. If you've seen it (or any of the other ones I mentioned above), text me and let's talk movies!:)
Another exciting thing that has happened this summer was the oppounity for me to speak at several different homeschooling events in Colorado. As many of you know, my family was involved in the homeschool community and curriculum known as Classical Conversations. (https://www.classicalconversations.com) I'm not exaggerating when I say CC made me do a complete 180 in terms of how I viewed and understood education as a whole. Because of what God reveled to me through CC, I learned to love learning and came to understand how school is not supposed to be a chore but rather is a gift and a blessing we ought to make the most of. I used to hate school until my high school years when I truly started to see the beauty of the classical model of education and how that applies to our every day lives.
Anyway, one of the women in charge of organizing CC events and practicums in the state asked me back in May if I would be willing to speak for about an hour simply about my experiences as a CC student and how homeschooling has affected my life and upbringing. Of course I agreed and quickly began brainstorming what I'd talk about. I was able to speak at a couple different events this summer and had an absolute blast doing so. I'm realizing more and more that I love public speaking, and I love encouraging others and sharing stories with them. About a month ago, this same lady asked if I might consider speaking even more next summer and possibly at many other homeschool events in the future. I'm so thankful for this open door God has provided and so excited to see where it leads and what He has in store within this season.
Let's see, what else is new... my birthday is coming up! Next week in fact. :D It will be my last year of being a teenager, which I do not like the thought of at all! But, as sappy as it sounds, I'm so excited and ready to see what God holds for the future. He's already done so much in my life, I can't even begin to articulate it. Also, Nathan's birthday is this Saturday. He's going to be 22, what the actual heck!? Make sure you wish him a happy birthday. He deserves it. :) And in case you're wondering, no, we have absolutely no plans for our birthdays so far. Hopefully just a day off, haha!
And lastly, let's talk fall plans, seeing as I now actually have plans for this coming fall! A lot of you know I was hoping to go to a Bible College this coming school semester. It turns out I'll probably be doing that next fall. An opportunity has come up that Nathan and I have been hoping and praying for for a good while now. Both my parents used to be Christian counselors before taking up lodge owning. Part of the process for them becoming certified counselors included them having to take an advanced training course and intensive study of the Bible and other teachings they would be using in their counseling sessions. This same advanced training will be offered this year in Burlington Colorado once a week for about 5 or 6 months starting in September. It's a rare opportunity, and while Nathan and I aren't looking to become counselors, the things we are bound to learn and study are worth the undertaking and will last us a lifetime. I'm so excited!
I knew the reality of being a high school graduate would hit me come the school year, and it seems I was right. I'm starting to feel very, very sad that I won't be seeing my friends every week and won't be actively involved in studying the different subjects we did and having the frequent discussions of the material on a regular basis that we used to. I can't really say how much I'll miss being a student of Classical Conversations. But, like I was saying earlier, it looks like my involventment with CC is not yet over, and I pray I can continue to encourage others to experience the beauty of the classical model of education as I did. I also now dream of being able to homeschool my own children one day.
Also, one more note about this fall: I'll be taking a break from the dance company I've been apart of for the past 14 years, but hope to still dance occasionally at my church here in Estes, and I may even try taking a couple classes of different dance styles if I have the time. It might be good to just take a break overall, but I never want to quit dancing, even if I'm not involved in classes for the rest of my life. God has given me a love for and gift with dance, and I plan to praise Him with it for as long as I am able. <3
That about sums up the vast majority of what has been happening for me lately. Of course there is more I could say and lots more stories from the summer I could share, but I'm looking at the time and I need to go out and join the conversation at the campfire. Thanks for reading if you made it this far! I hope to write more soon, but we'll see if that actually happens! ;) Hope you all are doing well and having a fabulous summer!
See you soon,