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Welcome, peeps!

Sarah Reinertsen

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

Hey peeps!  Well, I finally did it. I started a blog. Honestly, I had purposely chosen not to do this for two main reasons prior to now: 1) Blogs seemed almost nauseatingly cliché’, and 2) I’m too busy. I was so worried people would judge me for starting a blog since literally so many people have blogs and websites these days. Plus, I wondered how a blog that I started would be unique and worth reading as another result of the surplus of blog posts nowadays in our culture. But here’s the problem: first of all, I’m just about to graduate from high school. One of my absolute favorite aspects of my homeschool community has been the writing, sharing, and discussing of papers and essays in class. I love picking topics from books, formulating opinions and arguments for the topic, articulating them through typed words, and then eventually reading and talking about them with my peers. Now that all of that is nearly over, I no longer will have that outlet to share ideas, have people actually read and listen to them, and then offer their input. Additionally, now that my book is done and published, (I’ll be writing a blog post later solely dedicated to my book and the process of writing and publishing it) I suddenly have nothing to write about, at least not to the extent I once did. So, what is the obvious solution? A blog website, as freaking cliché as it may be.   Secondly, I kept justifying not making a blog by claiming I was too busy. But here’s the thing; I like being busy. When I have nothing to do, I waste time online or on social media. I would much rather be productive doing something with the time I have at hand. So yes, I may be busy on certain days, weeks, or months, but it would be a lie to say my every moment is occupied with some activity. So, as a way to fill the empty time I do end up having, a blog (annoyingly) once again popped up as a plausible option. Plus it allows me to continue to develop and execute something I truly do love (writing and sharing with others) in a manner such that isn’t just going to waste. Through this blog I will have a platform on which I can write and share thoughts and you guys can read and offer commentary.  Another sure-fire sign that also helped convince me to start this blog was simply other people’s perpetual encouragement. Over the years, many of you have read various posts, essays, and/or articles that I’ve written and offered very kind, encouraging, and uplifting feedback. Lots of you have inquired as to why I didn’t already have a blog website. This past year in school we’ve read several classic ancient Greek writings such as Homer’s The Illiad and The Odessey and Virgil’s The Aeneid. One common theme throughout these books is the unavoidable fact of facing one’s fate. You can’t escape it, no matter your efforts (or the perpetual efforts of the gods ;) In a similar regard, it seems this blog has been coming for me…no matter how much I have tried to deny it. I just didn’t want to be that girl. But as I’ve come to realize many times throughout my life, trying to ignore a calling God has for you is very difficult (like, seriously…it’s hard!).   God has given me an undeniable love and gift, if you will, for writing and encouraging others. This now leads into my purpose and goal for this blog. Throughout this blog, I decided to not focus on one main theme. I have a scattered brain and this blog is an authentic representation of that fact. As you probably noticed when you initially clicked on this blog, I have made categories for my postings. But, guys, just know this thing is going to be random, regardless of the categories set in place. One week we might talk about three concepts I learned from reading a book by C.S. Lewis, the next week we might learn about the benefits of using calcium in a chicken’s health and the egg nutrition benefits, followed by a post spent examining different apologist’s’ arguments for the existence of God, and then we might spend a post learning about two of my favorite experiences from owning and running a lodge with my family. So yeah, pretty scattered. Please don’t feel like you have to read every post, as I’m sure not each one will apply to every one of you in an appealing manner. I’m thrilled in general that you’re reading this even! I also would love to hear back from you! Leave comments or email me.  After all, you guys are one of the main reasons I’m doing this.   Speaking of being scattered though, do not expect regular postings from me either. Since these will be just of ideas circling round in my mind at any moment, my posting schedule will most likely be unpredictable. If you follow me on social media, watch for post announcements there. *Big sigh* so, please don’t think less of me for finally caving and starting a blog. I truly am not doing it because “everyone else is doing it”. That’s actually one of the reasons that repulsed me from the idea. But, I can’t change the fact that God has gifted me a love for writing and articulating my thoughts on paper. So here I am, writing and articulating. And here you are, reading. I can’t thank you enough and I hope you stick around. Welcome to my blog, and I hope you’re as excited as I am to see what God has in store for this thing.

Hey Peeps!

Well, I finally did it. I started a blog. Honestly, I had purposely chosen not to do this for two main reasons prior to now: 1) Blogs seemed almost nauseatingly cliche', and 2) I'm too busy. I was so worried people would judge me for starting a blog since literally so many people have blogs and websites these days. Plus, I wondered how a blog that I started would be unique and worth reading as another result of the surplus of blog posts nowadays in our culture. But here's the problem: first of all, I'm just about to graduate from high school. One of my absolute favorite aspects of my homeschool community has been the writing, sharing, and discussing of papers and essays in class. I love picking topics from books, formulating opinions and arguments based on that topic, articulating them through typed up words, and then eventually reading and talking about them with my peers. Now that all of that is nearly over, I no longer will have such an outlet to share ideas, have people actually read or listen to them, and then offer their input. Additionally, now that my book is done and published, ( I'll be writing a blog post later solely dedicated to my book and the process of writing and publishing it) I suddenly have nothing to write about, at least not to the extent of consistency I once did. So, what is the obvious solution to satisfy my wanting to write creatively and share it with others? A blog website, as freaking cliche' as it may be.

Secondly, I kept justifying not making a blog by claiming I was "too busy". But here's the other thing; I like being busy. When I have nothing to do, I waste time online and on social media. I would much rather be productive doing something with the time I have at hand. So yes, I may be too busy on certain days, weeks, or months, but it would be a lie to say my every moment is occupied with some activity. So, as a way to fill the empty time I do have, a blog (annoyingly) once again popped up as a plausible option. Plus it allows me to continue to develop and execute something I truly love (writing) in a manner such that isn't just going to waste. This blog offers me a platform on which I can write and share thoughts and you guys can read and maybe even offer commentary.

Another sure-fire sign that also helped convince me to start this blog, was simply other people's perpetual encouragement. Over the years, many of you have read various posts, essays, and/or articles that I've written and offered very kind, encouraging, and uplifting feedback. Lots of you have inquired as to why I didn't already have a blog website. This past year in school we've read several classic ancient Greek poems such as Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey and Virgil's The Aeneid. One common theme throughout these books is the unavoidable fact of facing one's fate. The characters can't escape their destinies, no matter their efforts (or the perpetual efforts of the gods ;)) In a similar regard, it seems this blog has been coming for matter how much I have tried to deny it. But I just didn't want to be that girl. And not to mock my fellow sisters; I personally love reading other people's blogs. I just felt like I'd be conforming (I guess is the best way to put) if I made my own. But as I've come to realize many times throughout my life, trying to ignore a calling God has for you is very difficult (like,'s hard!)

God has given me an undeniable love and, if you will, gift for writing and encouraging others. This now leads into my purpose and goal for this blog. Throughout it, I decided to not focus in on one main theme when it comes to writing. I have a scattered brain, and this blog will be an authentic representation of that fact. As you probably noticed when you initially clicked on here, I have made categories for my postings. But, guys, just know this thing is going to be random, regardless of my attempts at categorization. One week we might talk about three concepts I learned from reading a book by C.S. Lewis, the next week we might learn about the benefits of using calcium in a chicken's diet and how that in turn enhances egg nutrition, the next post might be spent examining different apologists' arguments for the existence of God, and then we might spend a post learning about some of my favorite experiences from owning and running a lodge with my family. Sooo yeah, pretty scattered to say the least. Please don't feel like you have to read every post, as I'm sure not each one will apply to every one of you in an appealing manner. I'm thrilled in general that you're here reading this even! I also would love to hear back from you! Leave comments or email me. After all, you guys are one of the main reasons I'm doing this.

Oh, and speaking of being scattered, do not expect regular postings from me either. Since these writings will be just of ideas circling round in my mind at any moment, my posting schedule will most likely be unpredictable. If you follow me on social media, watch for post announcements there. I have lots of ideas currently as to things I could write about, but I just don't know how often I'll actually end up releasing new posts, ESPECIALLY come summertime. So, just bear with me. :)

SO, please don't think less of me for finally caving and starting a blog. I truly am not doing it because "everyone else is doing it too." In fact, that's one of the reasons that repulsed me from the idea. But, I can't change the fact that God has gifted me a love for writing and articulating my thoughts on paper, and I can't change the fact that a blog offers a platform for that gift to be expressed easily. Even when I was young, I'd journal and write about random thoughts and things on my heart and mind at the time. Therefore, this is not a new concept for me. I'm just here writing and articulating. And you're here, reading. I can't thank you enough, and I hope you stick around. Welcome to my blog! I hope you're as excited as I am to see what God has in store for this thing.

-Sarah <3


Sarah Reinertsen
May 02, 2019

Thank you so much!😊


May 02, 2019

Very well stated! The holly spirit is the V8 power punch to the soul. Great job articulating this Sarah! 😊

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